Saturday, September 20, 2008


Gosh, it has been a while since I wrote here, my days are hectic so I will try to review several films I have seen as short as possible:

Son of Rambow: Two kids on a journey to find solace for their own restrained environment and found Rambo as their outlet is something I never thought of.

Maradona, The Hands of God: Nice but this one felt like any other mediocre sized biography, tries so hard to explain the why and how and doesn't depart to a more complex character driven film.

Iron Man: Yes, finally I can see this overly hyped film, wasn't as good as I thought, just some comic to screen adaptation with fancy effects and marvel(ous) effort to bend logic. I mean a man in a suit flying through many time zones and felt no tired at all? Not to mention being thrown here and there and minor scratch on Tony Stark? Come on.

Wall-E: Whoa! I wish I can say magnificent in seven foreign languages for this cute simple robot. Pixar has successfully enter our soul and stir it in a beautiful and simple way. With genuine wit and and new visual landscape like no other film, plus a Kubrickesque feeling, this one has nail an Oscar.

Persepolis: I was late to watch this film, but I like the animation and how the story was told from one point of view. It is a cinematic poetry in black and white, it is also very striking on how Marjane could convey a lot of message with just black and white.

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