Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Just like every year, I feel compelled to write my favorite movies of [insert year here] and although it is already February but  think it is necessary for me to put this here. I haven't seen War Horse or Extremely Loud but Incredibly Close [both are Best Picture nominated in this year's Oscar], but I think I don't have to watch it right now besides the trailers are not interesting in my opinion. However if you wanted to know what I like in 2010, just click here.

I watch many movies but only several reviews I wrote. Finding the mood is quite difficult but heck, I manage this far. Those who didn't make the cut but I think is very good is Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which in my opinion a good film.

However what is 'the best/favorite' list without me mentioning the crappiest film I have ever seen? That honor fall upon Jack and Jill, the worst movie from Adam Sandler that makes you want to punch his face. Low brow at it's best.

So, honoring my own tradition, I shall put the links on my own reviews here and here are my favorite movies of 2011, not in chronological order.

You might wonder why am I not writing the movie title as it is, but using 'the one'. Well, I wanted people to click on the link [a safe one, leads into the reviews not some suspicious links] and before that, guess the title. I hope it is fun, because I think it is boring since 'the one' is something I borrow from Friends TV series.

That Iranian Drama

The one with the grass is greener on the other side

That home kid movie with high production value

That melancholic tone

The one with brothers on the ring

The one with Ryan Gosling in it

The one with deep thinking

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