Monday, May 05, 2014


Directed by: Steven Knight
Starring: Tom Hardy
Running time: 85 minutes

Few movies reminded me why I love movies. Just like Un Prophete, this one reminded me why I love movie: story that engage the audience in a simple way.

Ivan Locke (Tom Hardy) is just an everyday man. In one fateful night, Locke must decide, whether to finish his professional business as a construction professional or choosing the personal one. 

One journey, one decision that changes everything. Like one quote from this movie: "The difference between once and never is everything". His job and his personal life is connected. As a construction manager he must built a solid ground for a building, so does with his life.

Abandoning his job and chose to finish a personal job, the viewers only get a glimpse of Tom Hardy alone in the car, the whole 85 minutes. Other characters present as voice only vie telephone conversation. Although this premise sounds boring, but it is engaging and thrilling.

Visually, it is also creative. It is not as stagnant as Ten (2002) from Abbas Kiarostami but interspersed with scenes from the highway in a moody tone. Only few directors manage to shine under such restrain, and Knight proves that ideas always triumph beyond special effects and comic book based movies.

Shot digitally in collaboration with cinematographer Haris Zambarloukos, Steven Knight manages to deliver an engaging story that is simple and touching. Tom Hardy is superb and this one is nothing short of brilliant.

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