Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Directed by: Tony Scott

Trying to catch a speeding train? You can ask Denzel Washington and Chris Pine for that. As for Chris Pine, this can be his new career choice, after being Captain Kirk now he can become the machinist-minus insomnia and dark imagination. Why train? Since Keanu Reeves has already chase a bus in Speed and Steven Seagal messed up with his horse tail hair in Under Siege 2 so someone should give the train a proper stand off and that guy is Tony Scott.

As for Denzel, I like his movies but I haven't seen his latest flick like The Taking of Pelham 123, since I always remember him as Malcolm X and that guy from Training Day. I do have hopes for Chris Pine since he acted good in Star Trek. However I watch this movie with an expectation. It has a good rating from rottentomatoes. I am expecting this film to be as exciting as Die Hard series.

I have to say I forgot their character's name, even the back story since the main actor of this film is the train! Yes an unmanned half-mile-long freight train barreling toward a city, with poisonous tank behind it. If it crashes it can make a huge disaster. The authority has tried anything to stop it (including trying to shoot it with a machine gun, they must have forgot that Willie E Coyote has more chance stopping a speeding train that a bunch of hot shot SWAT team trying to shoot a small button with a machine gun) but still it doesn't work. Now it is left to these two machinist to stop it.

I like how Tony Scott direct this film. It is quick, fast and entertaining. It looks expensive too with trains collided and helicopters and stuff. The dialogs are also nice, heavy with specific terms on train with Washington and Pine give their best.

It is thrilling and entertaining. If there is one big flaw is that the train is an unmanned train. It has no villain at all except the mysterious train that suddenly went away because of human error.

It would be cool if the train was train jacked by Justin Bieber wearing nothing but a kilt made of Lady Gaga's album cover, demanding the authority to buy his album. Or if Bieber declined to do so make it supernatural, like a ghost manning the train. Now that would make this film an Oscar material.

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